Conjugation and declension of words in Spanish

Spanish verb conjugation

Spanish is one of the most studied foreign languages in the world, along with English and French. The system of verbal inflection in Spanish is very developed, verbs can have many forms depending on the context, and this part of the grammar causes a lot of confusion for students learning Spanish as a foreign language.

With Promt.One Conjugator, learning Spanish verbs becomes easier and more practical. This tool includes conjugation tables for both regular and irregular Spanish verbs. When you're learning Spanish, you keep coming across unfamiliar verbs in various forms: in your exercises, homework and reading texts. How to learn them all efficiently? Use the Promt.One conjugator to easily find correct verb forms for all Spanish conjugations -ar, -er, -ir, as well as verbs with irregular conjugation. With our tool, you can easily conjugate popular verbs like ser, estar, tener, hacer and many more.

How to use the Spanish verb conjugator

Enter the Spanish verb in the infinitive form (trabajar, recoger, bonito, traer) or any other form (corre, buena, cosas, han, recibido, soy) in the search bar. The Promt.One Conjugator works fast and completely free of charge; you will immediately receive a large and informative table showing all the forms of the verb conjugation. If the word you entered matches more than one part of speech (casa, blanco, viva, azulejo, termino), Promt.One will offer you all the available options.

Spanish nouns and adjectives

As well as verbs, the gender, and number rules for nouns and adjectives may cause difficulties. The gender of Spanish nouns can be masculine or feminine (trabajo, hombre) or feminine (mesa, revolución) and adjectives change depending on the gender and number of the noun (bonito, grande, inglés,).

With Promt.One you can speed up your learning of the feminine and plural forms of Spanish adjectives. Table information is always at your fingertips when you're online. Promt.One is your reliable assistant in mastering the Spanish language.

Promt.One is a fast and helpful tool for any language learner. Check the conjugation of verbs and see the table of tenses for English, German, Russian, French, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish.